What is Transformational Sound Healing?
Transformational Sound Healing brings you home to the profound silence and stillness where healing happens. In this deeply relaxed state, you have the opportunity to heal from the many challenges of life, develop a relationship with your own spirit, soul and guidance, and truly transform.
I play instruments that are designed for meditation, healing and awakening, including both Tibetan and quartz crystal singing bowls. They are specialized instruments that produce very special frequencies. When combined with focused intention, the experience of a sound healing can penetrate our ordinary reality and offer an opportunity to open up, relax, expand and renew.
Why is Transformational Sound Healing so effective?
Sound is a remarkable vehicle for frequency and vibration, and the singing bowls offer a truly beautiful experience.
When you show up for Transformational Sound Healing, you have decided to go on a journey of remembering your true self. Healing happens effortlessly and naturally in this container of transformation. All you need to do is show up and allow.
How did I become a sound healer?
As a highly sensitive person, an intuitive and an empath, meditation came naturally to me. I entered into a meditative state to make art, which I discovered as a toddler. I was always painting or making something with my hands, and I’ve never stopped.
I discovered sound healing spontaneously during an extended stay in the woods in my early thirties, when I was yearning to grow spiritually. I meditated daily with the trees, and one day a powerful sound spontaneously came out of my mouth that felt like the primordial sound of the universe. I was astonished and deeply moved. I allowed it to continue during daily meditations outside in the woods. After some time, I expanded by adding instruments. I made a frame drum, bought a Tibetan bell, and found a very old, large Tibetan singing bowl. With these beautiful instruments and my voice, I began to work with the sound and bringing it to people as a way to teach meditation. Over the years, I bought a large set of quartz crystal bowls, a full set of Tibetan bowls, became certified in Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing, and became a Reiki Master.
I have worked with sound and meditation for over thirty years now. It is my great joy to share these amazing transformational experiences with people who need help. Many people come to me after they have tried everything else to heal, whether it be on the physical, emotional or spiritual level. The way that I work with sound creates a very accessible, beautiful experience.
In recent years, more people who are experiencing grief and loss have been attending, so this has become a specialty of mine.